Spikin’ In The Street Sand Volleyball Tournament a Huge Success!
It is safe to say the first ever Spikin’ In The Street – Downtown Sand Volleyball Tournament was a success! This event could not have happened without the tireless efforts of the committee members, in-kind donations and sponsorships from our local businesses, support from the city, and enthusiasm from the community at large!
There will be recap meetings and approval needed to do it again. To make this an even bigger and better annual event we’d need secure more volunteers and sponsorships.
We want to hear from you! Whether you attended or not, please fill out our survey.
– If you attended, click here: https://forms.gle/cMpeU2kej5aKEskU9
– If you did not attend, click here: https://forms.gle/rCyCkFjDMe15qroYA
– Businesses, are you interested in supporting this event next year, as a sponsor or with an in-kind donation? Click here: https://forms.gle/YxDY4U2tHM6pzcdg9
Lastly, if you are a local business and not a Chamber Member, but would like to ensure events like this continue, and at the same time support an organization that is looking out for the best interests of the New Ulm Business Community, please consider joining us! Membership starts at $350/year. Please contact Chamber President & CEO Sarah Warmka at sarah@newulm.com, 507-233-4300 to learn more.