The Narren Add A New Member!
Paulena Georgena, Narren

Breaking news from the Narren of New Ulm!  The Ganse-Stadt population has grown by 1.  Paulena Georgena, the Wine Lady, has moved and settled into the Ganse Stadt community.  She has been spotted at a couple of parades already, but will be making her big debut at Bavarian Blast.  The Narren can’t wait to show her around and have her experience all the fun we have here in New Ulm and the surrounding communities.

Willkommen, Paulena!

The Narren (or “The Fools” in German) characters have been appearing at New Ulm and other festivals since 1989.  With their hand-carved wooden masks and colorful costumes, they can be found mingling with the crowd or leading a snake dance.  Each one of the Narren has his or her own unique personality and story and is often looked upon as the relative everyone has but nobody wants to claim!  Learn more about The Narren here.